Lambo Colored Ferraris


Several decades ago, Enzo Ferrari pissed off another Italian rich guy name Ferrucio,tractor company owner, and Ferrucio got so mad he even decided to make his own supercar. Then the Lamborghini brand was born. Since then, the rivalry between Ferrari and Lamborghini is infinite. Both had ups and downs. And right now, both sitting at the top level of supercar world so it means both brands are prestigious. Both products have similar performance, both have amazing looks, both have similar price tag which we couldn’t afford and both works as a natural pheromone to attract gorgeous girls.However, there is one big difference between those two. It’s the color. Ferrari is always looking glorious in red. Yes, there are other colors for Ferrari such as yellow, black, silver, and even the sad blue. But you have to admit, that Ferrari color is red. Lamborghini,on the other hand, is looking good with every pantones in the world. You can order it in stabillo green, it will still look good. Or even in dreadful pink, it will still looking awesome. So if Lamborghini can paint its cars with every colors listed in Photoshop color chart, why can’t Ferrari? Like I said before, both products are sleek and have supercar bodystyle.

So Ferrari should look good with Lambo colors. Or are they?






Yup, leave Ferrari in red only.

source (modtor)

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